Aspirin EP impurity F with CAS No: 1466-82-6 is an impurity standard of Aspirin.
Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, is a commonly used medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is widely used for its analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. Aspirin has been used for many years to alleviate various conditions and is available over-the-counter in many countries.Aspirin is Pain reliever, fever reducer, and antiplatelet agent. Reduces clot formation.Aspirin is used for cardiovascular health.
Buy high quality Aspirin EP impurity F from Chemicea Pharmaceuticals. Chemicea Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of Aspirin EP impurity F

Aspirin EP impurity F

CAT. No. CP-A27006
CAS. No. 1466-82-6
Mol. F. C18H14O7
Mol. Wt. 342.3
Stock Status In Stock

Product Description

  • Category:Impurity Standards
  • Synonyms:Acetylsalicylic Acid EP Impurity F
  • Chemical Name:Salicylic Acid Acetate Anhydride

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