Isoquercetin with CAS No: 482-35-9 is an impurity standard of Isoquercetin.
Isoquercetin is a flavonoid and a glycoside derivative of quercetin, a plant pigment found in various fruits, vegetables, and grains. Its application is associated with potential health benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chemically, isoquercetin is a flavonol and belongs to the class of polyphenolic compounds. Research suggests that isoquercetin may contribute to cardiovascular health, possess anticancer properties, and exhibit anti-allergic effects. It is often found in foods like onions, apples, and tea. While further studies are ongoing, the presence of isoquercetin in dietary sources highlights its potential as a bioactive compound with possible implications for human health and disease prevention.
Buy high quality Isoquercetin from Chemicea Pharmaceuticals. Chemicea Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of Isoquercetin


CAT. No. CP-Q4001
CAS. No. 482-35-9
Mol. F. C21H20O12
Mol. Wt. 464.38
Stock Status Custom Synthesis
  • Synonyms: Quercetin 3-O-β-D Glucoside
  • Chemical Name: 3-Glucosylquercetin

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