Selexipag Acid with CAS No:475085-57-5 is an impurity standard of Selexipag.
Selexipag is a medication used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Chemically, it is an oral prostacyclin receptor agonist. Selexipag works by activating the prostacyclin receptor, leading to vasodilation in the pulmonary arteries and inhibiting the proliferation of smooth muscle cells. This helps reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and improve exercise capacity in individuals with PAH. Selexipag is typically administered orally in tablet form and is part of the therapeutic arsenal for managing pulmonary arterial hypertension. The use of selexipag is supervised by healthcare professionals, and careful monitoring is essential due to potential side effects and the need for dose adjustments to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.
Buy high quality Selexipag Acid from from Chemicea Pharmaceuticals. Chemicea Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of Selexipag Acid

Selexipag Acid

CAT. No. CP-S20003
CAS. No. 475085-57-5
Mol. F. C25H29N3O3
Mol. Wt. 419.52
Stock Status In Stock

Product Description

  • Category:Impurity Standards
  • Synonyms:NA
  • Chemical Name:2-{4-[(5,6-Diphenylpyrazin-2-yl)(propan-2-yl)amino]butoxy}acetic acid

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